woensdag 9 oktober 2013

A Wonderful Wednesday

As you may have guessed, I've had a lovely day today.
DD8 & DD11 woke up before 7 am, and told me to stay in bed, while they would prepare 'breakfast' for me. (I told them I'm not very hungry so early in the morning, but that I would love to have a rice cracker and some tea) After some 20 minutes they came upstairs, with a nice cup of tea & 2 rice crackers. They decided to have their breakfast upstairs in my bedroom with me. DD11 also had 5 minutes of points excercise in my bedroom. So we really had a very enjoyable start of the day.
They arrived at school in time, and I went back home, trying to figure my plans for today.
I started a load of laundry, relaxed a little while behind the pc, had a real breakfast and saw a big bowl of apples on my kitchen counter, so decided to have a go at making tarte aux pommes with the recipe I found here: tarte aux pommes . Of course I had to have my own go at it, and added some cinnamon to the pâte brisée and sprinkled some on top of the apples as well.

I also made apple compote with the rest of the peeled apples, but I forgot to take a picture of it, and the jar got finished over dinner.
When I was working on my tarte aux pommes, I found out I didn't have almonds anymore, so had to go to the grocers for it. While I was there I remembered I needed potatoes, and saw sweet potatoes were on offer, so I bought a bag of sweet potatoes.
I also bought a basket of flowers, to brighten up our entry.
As I had used 2 eggyolks for the tarte aux pommes, I had to figure a way to use up the egg whites as well, and found a recipe for meringues: meringues

I think they turned out quite well for a first time, and my 3 DD's love them.
I even managed to remember that load of laundry I had started in the morning, and folded it somewhere in the afternoon.
Those lovely empty laundry lines didn't stay empty for long yesterday, so today I folded everything that had been hanging there since yesterday too.

So now those laundry lines are almost empty, apart from some bedlinens and the new placemats that came out of the laundry very lovely and clean.
After dinner we went to another charity shop, where we donated the stuff I had ready in my donation box and where I bought an outfit for a foxhunt next week. (DD11 will have schoolcamp from wednesday-friday, and the foxhunt will be on friday. I'm so looking forward to dressing up!!!!)
This weeks missions from FlyLady have been a breeze, as this weeks zone is the kitchen, so on monday it was wiping down the trashcan, which only took a minute, tuesday I was supposed to scrub the countertop. As you may have figured, when working in the kitchen and preparing food half of the days, scrubbing the countertops is something that I do a couple of times a day. Today I should have shined the sink and scrubbed the faucets, but again, when working in the kitchen so much that's something that  happens automatically, so I don't really feel like I've been doing any of the missions. Instead I scrubbed the kitchentiles over the counter and the bottoms of the hanging cabinets, which was something that does need to be done every now and then when mixing, cooking and baking away.
I think the only thing to do for now will be setting the table for tomorrow and lay out my clothes for tomorrow.

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