dinsdag 8 oktober 2013

Tuesdays Troubles and Treasures

I had an early start today, woke up too early and got out of bed around 6 am.

I had lots of laundry hanging at the attic, so decided to start folding.
Around 7 am the attic was looking like this:
So I went to my bedroom to get dressed. (Yes, I know it isn't the FlyLady way, I should have gotten dressed first and do the folding after that, but that isn't how my mind seems to work at that hour of the day)
I think having empty laundry lines can count as the first blessing of this day.
The next great thing that happened was that DD8 had a little school outing (a trip into the forest), so she was really looking forward to it, and got dressed withouth the usual fight.....
I managed to get the girls at school in time and went back home and had a little me-time behind the pc.
Of course I still had to walk that postround, which DH had sorted for me last evening, so that was next on my program. I was so happy it wasn't much at all, compared to the usual amount of post!
When I was walking in our street, all of the sudden I saw a laundry basket which was obviously thrown out, and mixed with the plastic that was to be collected today. The laundry basket is exactly the same as the ones I have, only it was in much better condition, so I took this one home, and threw out the one that was in the worst shape. (I think someone up above just winked to me) It is a plastic laundry basket, so quite easy to clean.

Usually I bake my own GF bread, and I made the dough before starting on the last part of my postround.
When I got back from getting the girls home for lunch, I put it in the oven. (So I had a late lunch myself)

As you can see the bread turned out beautiful and I can assure you it is delicious too.
When DD8 & DD11 were back at school again, I went to the second hand shop near DD11's school and found the following treasures:

Of course the placemats need to be laundered, but I love the warm colour.
I really only just went there to look for a nice big glass jar, as I still have tons of apples to work with, and I found a recipe for apple vinegar, and needed a big glass jar for it.

This is wat it looks like right now, but it should turn into apple vinegar in 2 weeks time.

Another little job that was still waiting for me, was sewing the ribbons and elastic to DD11's points, so that is exactly what I did this afternoon, although I had to wait for her to be back home again before I could sew the elastic at the right size. She was really quite panicky when she found out she could hardly squeeze in her feet, so I called her ballet teacher about it, and she assured me it would all be allright when she would put them on at the lesson, and so it was........ DD11 told me it was a very weird feeling when she had to stand on her toes and felt her feet move further down the shoes, but she really enjoyed her first points lesson.

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Now, that's so nice of you,buying me those gorgeous placemats. I'll be over to collect them soon. Don't forget to have tea and apple pie ready!

  2. you'd wish!!!!!!! But you can come over for tea and tarte aux pommes tomorrow afternoon if you like......

  3. I wish! Unfortunately, I've got some other responsibilities...
